04 August 2010

The DOW Fall - Picture and Timing

many readers have called and asked for a better picture than the one offered by yahoo.

here it is with the dow weekly, click on it for a better view. also included is the 2823 chart

the trouble is that when readers read such forecasts, they assume it is going to play out immediately. the reason is they did not read the fine print - not the fine print, it is the normal print. it said this is going to play out in 4-6 years with many twist and turns.

every time an uptrend is broken, the chart will usually retraces up to the exit point of the broken uptrend, looking at the uptrend of 2009, dow broke the uptrend at about 11,000, so expect it to approach or even slightly north of that target.

also the us mid term elections might bring the dow index to lofty heights than where it should go.

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