15 December 2012


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apple chart has a typical head n shoulder formation, it wont be long before it falls deeper, read this blog on earlier discussion of the final settlement pricing of apple. there could be some struggling usually at the neckline 520 which has now been broken. if apple stays below 500 for three weeks or more, not a good sign.

the dow is also not looking to reach new highs above 14000 given the formation of a rising wedge which can bring dow down much harder, the pullback has already occurred, thus it is not likely to go up much higher.

economy will go slower no matter fiscal cliff or not as it will cut into consumer spending one way or the other, this is why there is such a rush to QE to avoid economy contracting too fast once it is over the cliff or a deal is struck to limit expenses and raise taxes.

gold prices is telling the same story that even current QE cannot sustain prices above 1700. it usually is a precursor of the price of oil, it has done poorly for the past few months, my hunch is oil will fall further and gold may go down with it.

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