01 February 2014


during this festive season, we are supposed to celebrate, but not for long.

just early jan, i already alerted readers that market isnt looking good.

this is a 5 months chart of HSI futures of 1 hour, it shows that a true head shoulder has formed, it has already broken to the down side and the pull back has also occurred.

the market looks like to fall to at least 24100 - 22400 = 1700 points from the neckline of 22400 which makes 20700.

the break out happens on 24 Jan, thus the market will hit the above target likely not later than end april.

do go back and make your own chart for 941, 5 and others, you will see a similar pattern if not exactly the same.

when you are aware of a fallout, you should protect yourself and/or try to profit from it.

finally, hope you all have a happy horse year and getting healthier by the day.

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