29 June 2012

3 events, Google Tablet

after two trips away, three events worth noting:
  1. there is seizure of land below market price by officials from citizens in beijing!!!
  2. the upcoming CE in hk is embroiled in media frenzied stories on illegal structures at his home on the peak
  3. h5n1 bird flu high season in hk extended beyond the normal winter season into almost summer.
you should be able to draw conclusion from the above, if not, email me.

google unveils a tablet recently, this is nothing special, but what is important here to note is it is made in usa. eventually china will lose its dominance in electronics manufacturing if the qualtiy can beat those made in china. this does not bold well for the china economy with such excess capacity built up over the years in electronics manufacturing, even japanese, with their currency so high who cannot manufacture salable items inside japan can then outsource to usa if the google tablet becomes a success after launch.

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