14 June 2012


The below are my hunches only, no research done or from chart observation.

This country is a bunch of crooks, no one paying taxes, unbelievable pension plans for civil servants and industries, but they still want other Euro countries to give them money so they dont have to go through hard times. Yet even Golden Dawn party get elected, they dont want to severe the euro tie so dont expect a Greece exit soon, GD will likely negotiate their way to buy time, but time is not on their side as they soon will have no money to pay a lot of things including civil service pay.

Why is gold not falling given the strong USD, people are likely buying gold instead of 1.5% 10 year treasury bond.

Why is Euro getting stronger recently, there might already be discussion behind the scene on further QE by Ben, thus you wont see much decline in the stock market shortly. Or even if there is a sharp decline, you will see a sharp spike up shortly after.

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